Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My Life Is Good
My life is good. I just peeked in on my sleeping baby. Thomas is out. The way he sleeps, so innocent and sweet is something I try to watch frequently and store into my memory for when he's big and grown. Then I went to see what Josh and Dan were up to outside. Dan was teaching Josh how to hang upside down on the bars of the swingset. Both of them with huge smiles on their faces. Joshua just loving his daddy time. Life is good. You can't ask for much more than to see your family healthy and happy.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Birthday Wish List
Here is boys' birthday wish list:
Snowpants (4T)
Snowboots (Size 10)
Gloves and Hats
Winter Coats (4T)
GeoTracks (more tracks and remote control trains)
Craft Items (stickers, Bingo Daubers, construction paper, etc.)
**The boys love dinsaurs. It will be the theme of their birthday. They are also obsessed with trucks (excavators, cement trucks, front-end loaders, etc.)
Snowpants (4T)
Snowboots (Size 10)
Gloves and Hats
Winter Coats (4T)
GeoTracks (more tracks and remote control trains)
Craft Items (stickers, Bingo Daubers, construction paper, etc.)
**The boys love dinsaurs. It will be the theme of their birthday. They are also obsessed with trucks (excavators, cement trucks, front-end loaders, etc.)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's Official
It's official, my camera is officially broken. It won't even turn on anymore. ARG! This is my prized possession. DOUBLE ARG!
We don't have a card reader for it (normally we just plug it into the computer), so there are some great pictures stuck for now. This weekend we went to Greenbluff and picked apples. The boys loved picking apples, but the highlights of the day were 1) riding the ponies and 2) peeing in the grass by the car before we left. They think it's neat that they can make a little river. I think it's neat that they DON'T go in their car seat on the way home! :)
We have told all of our family now that we are expecting. It's early (I'm only nearly 8 weeks), but with it being twins again, we felt it necessary. Just over the weekend, my pants are tighter. If this pregnancy is anything like the last one, I'll be in maternity clothes by the end of next week. Nice.
Dan had a job interview for our "dream job." This job would answer many of our prayers, first and foremost the financial aspect of Dan having a job, but it also has excellent medical benefits too! We will hear back this week, but Dan is pretty nervous about it. Keep us/him in your prayers!
More updates as the week progresses. To follow the IVF/pregnancy blog, go to: http://domresefamily.blogspot.com/
We don't have a card reader for it (normally we just plug it into the computer), so there are some great pictures stuck for now. This weekend we went to Greenbluff and picked apples. The boys loved picking apples, but the highlights of the day were 1) riding the ponies and 2) peeing in the grass by the car before we left. They think it's neat that they can make a little river. I think it's neat that they DON'T go in their car seat on the way home! :)
We have told all of our family now that we are expecting. It's early (I'm only nearly 8 weeks), but with it being twins again, we felt it necessary. Just over the weekend, my pants are tighter. If this pregnancy is anything like the last one, I'll be in maternity clothes by the end of next week. Nice.
Dan had a job interview for our "dream job." This job would answer many of our prayers, first and foremost the financial aspect of Dan having a job, but it also has excellent medical benefits too! We will hear back this week, but Dan is pretty nervous about it. Keep us/him in your prayers!
More updates as the week progresses. To follow the IVF/pregnancy blog, go to: http://domresefamily.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Return To Normalcy Means Goodbye Summer
The boys and Kierra took quite a while going down for nap, but afterwards woke up fairly happy. We played outside, had alphabet soup for dinner, and Ba (Aunt Kim) came over. Dan and I went to church class and Ba hung out
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sleeping In Is A Glorious Thing
Our Monday went by with a blur because of the late start. We didn't even leave the house until nearly 11:00 AM. The boys and I went to the mall. They ran around in the play area and I chatted it up with other moms. It was fantastic and much needed. We went home, had lunch and naptime, and by then it was time for dinner. After dinner we all walked to the library. I requested a Dora movie for Thomas. "Thank you mommy. Thank you very much. I love this Dora movie. I love it very much. Thank you mommy." The sweetest sentiments ever! :)
The picture posted is the boys monthly picture. They are now 35 months old. I take a picture within a few days of their monthly "birthday" to record how they've grown month-by-month. I've done it since they were born. Then on their birthday, I create a slideshow that shows each months picture. It's really fun! As for changes? This month the biggie is potty training. I can't say we're potty-trained, but we're getting closer every day. Thomas will still not consistently poop on the potty, but both boys are having less and less accidents every day. They are beginning to tell me when they need to go potty, which is really exciting! We are currently in an aggressive stage right now. Dan and I are really working on patience with them and trying to use really calm tones of voices. They are also extremely slow at moving now. It takes us 40 minutes to get out the door because they must do everything themselves (put on shoes, socks, coat, etc.). Then, by the time they are both ready, someone has to go pee and we basically start over. It's a true test of my patience somedays. :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Rain and Cold
We woke up this morning to coldness and rain. Lots of rain. Normally, I don't think twice about playing outside or walking in the rain. But it's cold! The boys woke up with the vibe that we'd be inside all day and decided to just run wild. It took me a while to remember that this is how it is in the winter and start to pull out the winter activities from the cobwebs in my brain. They thoroughly enjoyed watercolors, then we made cookies, then I pulled up this foldable house that the boys like to just play with their dinosaurs in or hide from each other. It turned out to be a nice morning after I pulled myself together. :) We all laid in bed, watching a movie and took a nap. I woke up after about an hour and got a little "me time" in. The boys are still sleeping. When they wake up, we'll make a birthday card for my SIL Angie and head off to her bday party. Then...Dan will be home! ABOUT TIME! I'm exhausted and ready for a second pair of hands. Hopefully tomorrow is at least a little nicer so that we can be outside without our snowsuits on! :)
And by the way, I DID turn the heat on! Sshhh, don't tell!
And by the way, I DID turn the heat on! Sshhh, don't tell!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
When Dan's Away The Days Are LONG!
Dan will be home tomorrow. Thank God. The boys are fine, but they are in rare form for moments during the day and it's really unhelpful. This morning we went to the Twins Sale. Of course, we get there early because it's really nice to have a sale in town that has twins clothes. The boys did not want to leave the house and were totally uncooperative. I believe this is the part of two-year olds that is my least favorite. During the sale they actually did alright because Joshua got a caterpillar that tells the letters of the alphabet and Thomas found a tractor. I, however, came out empty handed. Not a good pick for clothes this year. We then went out and celebrated my niece's 5th birthday. The boys absolutely love their Uncle Adam and Aunt Mere as well as their cousins so they ran in and out of the house with all the big kids and had a blast. I'm pretty sure Thomas scarred a little 5-year old for life when he dropped his drawers in the yard and started peeing. I asked him why he was doing that and he said, "I pee a little in my pants, I can't wait." Not bad. We're getting there. After nap, we walked to the store for a little Halloween candy...I love this time of year! And the walk counteracts all the calories from the candy. Right??? :) The boys are now in bed, almost asleep. HOORAY!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thomas Poops!
Now, Thomas pooping is not the big news. It's WHERE he pooped at! Thomas finally pooped on the potty! You wouldn't think this was too big of a deal except for the fact that Thomas is extremely happy pooping everywhere EXCEPT the potty (including the backyard and his bed). He went in today on his own and started yelling, "HOORAY I POOPED," and cheering for himself. Pretty darn cute! I started hootin' and hollerin' too when I saw that he actually had pooped in the correct place! He has enjoyed his treat and is now playing with the "poop toy." This firetruck has been sitting in it's box in the bathroom for about 3 months waiting for him to poop on the potty. I'm totally shocked and floored that he did it today! HOORAY!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
New Adventures for Dan
So, with Dan being home, he's had more opportunities to see what my daily life is like. It's pretty fun to watch him make these realizations. I took him grocery shopping with me and the boys this morning. Remember, this is our biweekly shopping so it's a ton of stuff off a list, so it takes a while. The boys normally do fine, but with Dan there, really felt like they'd give him a show. He nearly tore all his hair out by the end. As we were walking out to the car with our groceries I said, "Wasn't that fun? I do it all the time!" He said, "I'm never doing that again." Hopefully it means I won't have to either.
**Dan's at his job interview RIGHT NOW!
**Dan's at his job interview RIGHT NOW!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Recipe Exchange and More
Ok, so right now, it's kind of nice having Dan home. The boys are loving the extra attention and the different playing style. It's taken us a while, but we've gotten a new rhythm down. We usually have a playdate or event in the morning so Dan can do job applications, then he helps me put them down for nap and he works through naptime (while making us lunch). :) The afternoon we do something together (usually a cleaning project), have dinner and play with the boys. It's kind of nice.
Today we had a recipe exchange here. We did apple recipes since we'll do apple picking in a couple of weeks. HOORAY! After the recipe exchange, Dan took the boys to a splash pad and let them frolick in the sun. After nap, we all played outside and enjoyed the end of summer giving us one last blast of heat. During bath time, Dan got a call from a prospective employer and has an interview on Thursday! HOORAY AGAIN!
Today we had a recipe exchange here. We did apple recipes since we'll do apple picking in a couple of weeks. HOORAY! After the recipe exchange, Dan took the boys to a splash pad and let them frolick in the sun. After nap, we all played outside and enjoyed the end of summer giving us one last blast of heat. During bath time, Dan got a call from a prospective employer and has an interview on Thursday! HOORAY AGAIN!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Busy Weekend

We got some free passes from Dan's cousin to go to the fair. We went to the fair 3 times this week! The boys loved it! Thomas was really hoping to do some Muttin' Bustin' (where the kids ride a sheep like a bull until they fall off). I was all for letting Thomas do it, Dan was a little fearful, so we decided next year. :) Joshua was obsessed with riding the "mamas" (llamas) and finally got to ride one last night. The boys were troopers and made it past 9 PM. They also crashed hard when they got home.
Today (Sunday) was extremely busy. The boys woke up later than usual and we had to hustle to church. We then went directly to Dan's cousins birthday party and had breakfast. Home for nap and then off to grandpa Lyle's 80th birthday party. Again, home after 9 PM and the boys are zonked. We have to get up early for breakfast with Grandpa Bob, so hopefully they do alright. We'll rest soon. I'll add pictures soon too!!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
A Day For Mobius and Cards
Today was beautiful! The sun was shining again, so everything is nicer! We went to Mobius this morning, as is our usual Friday routine. The new exhibits are up and it's all about air pressure. The boys loved it and we had a great time exploring and talking about the new concepts! So much fun! They both stayed dry the whole time we were there, so that was exciting too! Afterwards we came home so Thomas could crash and take a nap, and Joshua could refuse and skip a nap. I'm NOT ready to give up naptime yet! After Thomas woke up we went to our friends the Shefflers to have dinner and play a little pinochle. Thomas and Joshua love playing with their 4 year old twins Ethan and Eva and always ask to see them again. Dan and I get our baby-fix with one-year old Spencer. We all had a great time (maybe Suzy and I had more fun because we kicked butt at pinochle tonight, but we won't hang it over the guys' heads!), and the boys crashed as soon as we got home. FUN!
Tomorrow we are going back to the fair. We got another family pack and since we didn't get a chance to use all of our ride tickets, we'll do that this time. Joshua really wants to ride a "mama" (llama...totally confused him by reading "Is Your Mama a Llama?"). :)
Tomorrow we are going back to the fair. We got another family pack and since we didn't get a chance to use all of our ride tickets, we'll do that this time. Joshua really wants to ride a "mama" (llama...totally confused him by reading "Is Your Mama a Llama?"). :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Potty-Training Galore
Well, we are on day 2 of potty-training. It's actually going really well. There have been a couple accidents, but for the most part those have been our fault (bathrooms at the park locked, etc.). Thomas is still refusing to poop on the potty, but I think we're getting closer. Or at least he's holding it in until he gets a diaper on at bedtime. :)
We went to the fair for the 2nd time today. It was military day, so we got in free. We got a Family Pass (including 2 entry tickets that we didn't have to use) and tickets for food and rides. The boys got through a couple rides before we had to head home for bedtime. We didn't feel too guilty because we can get in free one more time and ride some more rides, so it's feeling like a cheap route for entertainment. Never thought I'd say that about the fair!
We went to the fair for the 2nd time today. It was military day, so we got in free. We got a Family Pass (including 2 entry tickets that we didn't have to use) and tickets for food and rides. The boys got through a couple rides before we had to head home for bedtime. We didn't feel too guilty because we can get in free one more time and ride some more rides, so it's feeling like a cheap route for entertainment. Never thought I'd say that about the fair!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Good, The Bad, and The UGLY...
Just when life seems to deal a few blows, a few more come in just to keep you on your toes. Dan got laid off yesterday. If you asked us a couple weeks ago, we would've said it's a possibility. This week, Dan was reassured by his partners that it wasn't going to happen, so we're left kind of left speechless. We've taken this opportunity on Faith knowing that our path needs to lead in another direction. Our friends have been absolutely fabulous and have not only given support but many leads on jobs. We are so thankful to have you in our lives!
This also means the boys have more daddy time. He obviously spends about 7 hours a day looking for a new job and getting everything in the mail or e-mailed to potential employers, but it also means that he can take breaks when it's more convenient for all of us and without commute time, he's home more. We've taken this as an incentive to really work on potty training. The boys are doing fantastic so far today! Thomas had an accident at the park, but that was more my fault as the bathrooms were shut down for the season. Thomas still refuses to poop on the potty, but we're working on that as well.
Yesterday, to blow off steam, we took the boys to the fair. Because it was free admission day we felt they deserved to have their first fair rides. They got to ride the motorcycles and the swings. They thought it was pretty neat and it was fun for us to be there together and see them doing it. More than the rides, they enjoyed a kid science area with tons of activities for them to work on.
Well, the boys are both awake from naptime. The banana bread is just coming out of the oven, and Dan needs to send out some resumes. Guess I'd better get off! I've tried to update a few other posts with more pictures now that I have my camera in the house.
**Here's a link to the boys and Dan doing all their tricks jumping off the houseboat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjcKfDfKcRE
Saturday, September 6, 2008
New Toys
Our friends sold us their battery-powered ATV's now that their kids are older. After a couple trips to Batteries Plus, the rigs are charged and ready to go. The boys love it! And I'm jealous because I always wanted one as a kid! Thanks Hillmans for the fun new toys!
I have pictures, but my camera is in the car. I might be a wuss, but I hate going outside in the dark when Dan's not home, so I'll get them tomorrow morning! :)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Sunshine Is Here...We're Staying Outside!
Yesterday we went to Balfour Park. The park is complete with a play structure and a sand volleyball pit. The boys absolutely love it! They have a blast playing in the sand and building sand castles and getting to play on the toys too. We met up with Jenn, Harry, and Emma and after the park had a great lunch at Tomato Street. Hooray! The night was complete with a dinner at Luigis and some quality time with Uncle Adam, Aunt Mere, and cousins Macey, Abby, and Natalie.
Today, we met Mere and the girls at Upper Manito and played again. The sunshine is just so nice! The boys are currently out and went down easily for nap. Apparently separating them is the trick, it just means I don't get to read my book in bed. :) Guess I'll have to go make deviled eggs for the BBQ tonight instead!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Welcome Back Sunshine!
Today was much better weather-wise. I took the boys to Balfour Park to play in the sand pit. They loved it. It's been a while since we've been there, so it felt like it was all new. I even got to read a few pages of my book while they build sand castles! We then hit Costco for our once-a-month run and got all sorts of goodies. The boys made it home and instead of crashing right away decided to play in their room. My mom came over and watched them while I went in for a cleaning at the dentist. HOORAY...no cavities! If you know how much I hate and despise the dentist, this is a big hooray! :) The boys only slept for about an hour and while Thomas was happy to see grandma, Joshua was pissed that I was gone. He went back to bed and woke up later after I'd returned!
Dan gave me a nice break and let me run to the library all by myself after dinner. It was great! It's amazing how much more you can get done when you are by yourself! I got some great bread baking recipe books and a few easy romance novel reads. I've recently discovered that laying down at naptime and reading a really good book is much more fun than housecleaning. I've finished 4 books in the last week and am really enjoying it!
**A funny story from Costco. We were in the line for hot dogs at Costco this afternoon after doing our grocery shopping. The boys are in the cart. Josh all the sudden starts pawing at my shirt all crazy-like. Mind you, this is lunch time and extremely busy. I look at Josh and say, "What are you doing?" He gives me a straight face and says, "I want to see your nipples."
Ummm....no. I had to say to him very quietly, "This is not a conversation for Costco, but I'll tell you now, the only nipples you need to see are your own. You NEVER get to see someone else's nipples." He proceeded to spend his time in line looking through the top of his shirt at his nipples.
Good times.
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