Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just Because We Did It, Didn't Make It Fun

I usually look forward to picture day. Seeing those smiling faces and those great photos that are captured by someone other than me. That is, until I had four kids to get pictures of. We don't do anything fancy, just the general Sears photo studio. We've been going there since the boys were first born and have always had the same photographer. This time, she was training five new people so our experience was just not the same. Didn't help that Katie hates anyone but me, the girls were tired, and the boys were rowdy. Sounds like fun, right?! It wasn't horrible...believe me, I've had sessions with the boys where I just walked out and rescheduled for another day without getting any photos. These are not my favorite photos, but they'll do. They show the personalities of the kids at this stage in their lives. I'm sending them in the mail to Dan, so I can post them here, but not my Facebook as I want him to be surprised by his mail delivery. :) Here's the best we could get (sorry if grainy, I stole from the website just to show you!).


Kaitlin said...

the girls look like they're holding hands! :) So cute

Linda said...

I think they're super cute! Katie looks like she's doing the hula in the one picture...Love it!

Marty, Rhenda and Anna said...

they are ADORABLE! Your kids always look cute!