Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nevus Appointment 2012

Joshua had a follow-up appointment with his nevus specialist this week and Dan had to stay for drill, so the kids and I loaded up and headed over to Seattle.

We left a day early so that we could have a day at the zoo. So much fun!

This picture pretty much sums up Katie's attitude about the day. :)

It's no secret I'm raising monkeys

The boys got to feed elephants. It was the most frustrating experience. Katie really wanted to feed the elephants too. But for Molly to accompany us inside the gates but NOT feed the elephants I still had to pay $5 for her and me. Or, I could leave her unattended and out of my sight. Um, no. So the girls and I stayed outside the gate, a nice father behind the boys kept track of them when they were away from me, and the zoo person took pictures of the boys since I couldn't be in there. We were going to go feed the giraffes, but I was uncomfortable leaving the boys unattended while I took the girls in, so we didn't do it. Molly is devastated. I've promised her next time she gets to do it no matter what.

Sometimes a big brother is better than a mama.

Joshua was our tour-guide for the day. In fact, both boys carried around maps and led us to their desired locations. I think we walked around the zoo FOUR times seeing everything we could mulitple times!

The day at the zoo was awesome!!!! We had so much fun!
The next day was Joshua's nevus appointment. In December, when we were there for our check-up, Joshua's lymph nodes were very enlarged. Because of this, we followed up with his regular doctor until our follow-up. Bloodwork and such proved that it was just winter bugs that he was fighting.

This appointment was to A) set us up for summer yearly appointments instead of winter appointments, which will be safer for crossing the pass and B) to check those lymph nodes.

The doctor was happy with his lymph nodes. They are still there, but much smaller. His nevus is growing proportionally with his head and is perfect. They are very happy with his progress. Thus, we are clear! We go back yearly for our checkup, but the worry is put to rest for now.

After the appointment we stayed in Seattle for cousin Jamison's 6th birthday party which was loads  of fun for the kids!

This is Thomas eating a doughnut off a string. Hilarious!

After a few fun-filled days in Seattle we headed home. All was well until we got to an accident right at the summit of the pass. The children were not thrilled to sit in the car for an extended period of time without moving. But eventually we made it through the wreck and then the traffic and we arrived HOME! We were all happy to be back at home! What a great trip!

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