Thursday, June 6, 2013

Preschool Graduation #1

The girls graduated from preschool this week. It was bittersweet. I am looking for a different program for them for next year, so it was a sweet moment to see them say good-bye. I am happy to have them back and not be handing them off to other people. I miss my babies! I will be sad to have time by myself to run errands and just breathe though!

Looking back, the girls have made so much progress this year. Katie has really made some emotional/social progress. She started the year so raw and not happy. She had a lot of change towards the end of the year and really handled it with grace. She will always be my kid that likes consistency and routine, but she's learning to do transitions and change and I couldn't be more proud. Molly started off the year shy and not talking. That girl is gone and now there is a talkative playful little girl that wants to be a part of everything. They made some great friends, and I enjoyed a couple of the mom's too. I'm looking forward to finding something a little better fitting and I'm so excited to see them take off really love school!

On the last day they had a little ceremony. Here's a few shots of them. Remember that first day of school, how little they were?

Now they are big girls. Ready for whatever comes next.


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