Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Beautiful Weather

This has been the best winter for our family. After these horribly snow-filled winters where we are stranded at home for days on end, we are finally having a winter where we can play outside and still be among the living! It couldn't be better timing, with two small babies, coordinating outside playtime in snow is ridiculous.

Last week it was sunny and wonderful. We played outside for hours and hours. The girls played in a swing and their exersaucers. The boys also went swinging and we played a little baseball. Yay!

More big news is that the boys started swim lessons. This is the first session of swim lessons where they are without a parent. Makes me nervous, but they seem to love it!

Yesterday is snowed. The flakes were HUGE! The boys were so excited to get on their snow pants for the first time this season and proceeded to make snow angels in our muddy backyard. :) They played outside forever and the girls watched from the door. Everyone was happy! It'll be great when the girls are walking and can be out playing as well.

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