Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Fair Time!

Thanks to a generous cousin, we got some tickets to the fair and were able to go today! It was so much fun! We started with the tractor pull (last year Thomas won!). It's free, the kids love it, and we do too! Joshua made it 16 feet in the first round. Thomas went through to the next round.

I'm not sure how Thomas won again, but he did. (It was very close between him and an 8-year old). I tell myself Thomas won because prior to the show starting the 8-year old was climbing all over the tractors and such and actually messed one up, while I had to convince Thomas not to get in the area despite what other kids were doing. Like I tell the kids, "Good things happen to good people."

So, in the final round, Thomas paired up against Ziggy and won! Woo hoo!

Afterwards we did the rides. We had enough tickets given to us for each kid to do two rides. The girls have never been big enough for rides, so I was unsure as to how they would do. We chose the little cars and they LOVED it! They couldn't stop smiling and went around again! (No picture of the boys as I was with the girls. Thankfully though, because Dan said the carnival guy had to get the roller coaster started by pushing it several times, which makes me nervous).

We did the annual picture of the kids at the fair and we were done!

What a day, what a day! Sunday School, Bike Race, Family Fun Day (at the Y), and the fair! Wowza! We are all exhausted!

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