Monday, January 5, 2009

A Little Slice of Heaven

A nice quiet day at home. It doesn't happen very often that the boys entertain themselves fairly well while being cooped up inside. This morning, my sister-in-law Angie stopped by to drop off some girl clothes. I now have the dresser filled with newborn/preemie clothes, a bin of 0-3 month clothes and a bin of 3-6 month clothes. HOORAY! Gotta love a family that just passes around clothes for babies! The boys played with cousin Kierra while Angie and I sorted clothes. After Angie left, the boys claimed to be tired so we watched a movie, I definitely needed some rest time! After the movie, I convinced the boys to put on snow gear and go outside. Once outside, Thomas enjoyed shoveling and Joshua enjoyed sticking his face into the snow to eat it. We discovered that if I tossed them up on the snow in the front yard (about 8 feet high) they could climb to the front and have a huge slide down to the sidewalk. The boys thought this was amazing and once even tried to do it head-first before I nixed that! We went inside to warm up just as daddy got home. I had a little slice of heaven when Dan took the boys to a birthday party allowing me to get some much needed rest. Sorry to miss your birthday party Kim...but I DID get a shower all by myself for the first time in literally months! HOORAY! The boys came home and fell both fell asleep while drinking their milk before bedtime. NICE! A quick transfer to their beds and the routine was easily done! HOORAY! Tomorrow we will attempt grocery shopping...wish me luck!

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