Thursday, April 22, 2010


I've been snuggling Molly a little extra the last couple days. At night we just sit in the rocker and cuddle. You see, one year ago, I had two babies. Unfortunately only one got to come with me. Little Molly spent her first few days of life in the NICU. Those first days of her life, I didn't get to snuggle. I didn't get to bond. So, one year later, I take back those moments. It was the first April 21st that Molly and I had together. So we snuggled like it was the first night of her life. I listened to her breath. Smelled her little baby smell. And reveled in the fact that this was my baby. We bonded. I love that little girl.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

This is beautiful Amber. It brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for posting it.