Friday, November 8, 2013

First Day of Preschool

The first day of the last year of preschool. I'll never have another first day of preschool. *sniff*

Last year was a struggle. So, we changed locations and started doing a co-op this year. That means that the parents are active participants in the school. As in, we volunteer once a week and we have a say in the budget, etc. It's really kinda neat.

On the first day (in September, yes I'm behind on blogging) they were really excited. And really really nevous! But, because I know they are better with slow transitions, I stayed the entire first and second day and then weaned out of the classroom. With great success!
Coincidentally, the preschool is housed in the same location as our wedding! So, we have a picture of Dan and I walking out of this door on these steps in our wedding attire. It's really neat to be in the same place. Like coming back home. ;)

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