Thursday, October 21, 2010

5-Year Vaccinations

Just as the boys turn five, the girls hit a milestone of their own- 18 months! We started off in style and took the boys in for their vaccinations. Dan had the "privledge" of joining us as I was nervous to do it alone. Turns out I called it completely wrong. Joshua, who was totally psyched about it and excited was sorely mistaken and felt betrayed. Thomas, who didn't want to leave the house this morning, prepared himself well and didn't even cry. Here are their stats:

Weight- 40 pounds(50%) WOO HOO, HE FINALLY HIT 40!!!
Height- 45" (90%)

Weight- 35 pounds(10%) He actually lost weight from the last time we were there. WHOOPS!
Height- 42 3/4" (50%)

As I look at this point in our lives, having 2 five year olds and 2 18 month olds I am filled with a feeling. I am not sad that my babies are growing up (ok a little). Instead, I feel hope. These four futures are filled with such hope. The boys show sparks of brilliance every single day. The girls are growing and learning new words every single day, they show more and more personality!

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