Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Thomas & Joshua

We yearned for a child. We worked hard to get pregnant. The road was not easy and was full of ups and downs. All we wanted was to start a family. Instead of one baby, we were blessed with two. I cannot imagine a life without these boys. They are best friends, mommy's little helpers, and the best big brothers ever!
Five years ago, I was Amber. Just plain Amber. Wife to one. Sister to another. Daughter to yet another. And then, I became mommy. And my life changed in the best way possible.

Five years ago, October 19, 2001, Thomas and Joshua blessed us with their presence, forever beginning our family and making our hopes and dreams come true. Every birthday before this one has been such a celebration. This is the first birthday that I am teary. Sad. I'm losing my little boys and watching them grow into such big kids. This is a hard one for me! Where did my babies go?

October 18, 2001

October 19, 2001
2006 (1 YEAR OLD)

2007 (2 YEARS OLD)

2008 (3 YEARS OLD)

2009 (4 YEARS OLD)

2010 (5 YEARS OLD)

Definitely the older brother. Thomas likes to take charge and keep things moving. He loves sports (but mostly soccer and baseball). He is just starting to learn how to read. He loves to snuggle still (phew!) and can be the most tenderhearted little guy!
Definitely the youngest boy. Sensitive, dramatic, and so much fun! Joshua is a great dancer and singer. He pays attention to detail and likes things done correctly. Definitely a mini-Dan! :) He is currently enrolled in ballet, but aspires to also do gymnastics and ice skating. Anything non-competitive is Joshua's style. He is in the very beginning stages of reading and is loving it! This social butterfly is a total mama's boy and will snuggle almost anytime. However, he is constantly talking so if you're with Joshua, it's not quiet!


Carissalayla said...

Wow, I htink we reconnected when these boys were only 1, my oh my time flies! Happy birthday to Thomas and Joshua!

Eve Suhling said...

Love this post Amber...I am feeling the same way about Ruby! You are such a wonderful mommy!