Friday, June 20, 2008

Indians Baseball

The boys started off with a rough morning. I won't go into details, but I will tell you that an orphanage at one point was mentioned to the boys. :) It seems that every moment I put something away, they were right behind me tearing it (or something else) apart. I just can't seem to catch up! To get out of our trashed house, we went to Millwood Park with grandma Nancy, Auntie Angie, and Kierra. The boys had a blast and really did well with the extra attention. We played for nearly 2 1/2 hours in the sun and water and had a great afternoon. Naptime was traumatizing for all of us. The boys finally crashed around 2:30 (great since I was hoping they'd get a long nap so we could stay late at the baseball game). Prior to falling asleep there was another poop incident (again, I'll spare you the details) and some major arguing (them with each other). Painful! I got nothing done, except I opened a bag of Oreos that was saved for camping next week and downed my frustration in Oreos and Diet Coke. The boys woke up after an hour and were ready to go (and crabby). As soon as daddy got home, we loaded up and headed down to Avista Stadium for some Indians Baseball!

The boys were super excited. Unfortunately, they were excited because they were under the impression that THEY were playing tonight. This was misfortunate as we tried repeatedly to convince them that it was the big kids turn to play. We managed to leave the bats in the car, but trekked in with mitts and baseballs. The boys had a blast. We had a Sky Box so we had an area to ourselves (thanks Williams and Webster---Dan's work). The boys had hot dogs, ice cream, soda, and were able to run around and watch the game at their leisure. We did the Kids Zone, which I have to tell you is named in the literal sense. There are kids there, but no adults. We stood in line for about an hour for the boys to get a chance to use a bat to hit a ball, and the kids were just nuts.

We just got home, the boys have had milk and are currently brushing their teeth. It's amazing that it's nearly 10:00 PM and they are still in good spirits. WOW! I'm off to help with bedtime routine. G'night!

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